Sunday 8 July 2007

21st Century Communication Trends

“As we are moving towards Globalization from local production and distribution, diversification problem is also occurring."

Less developed nations, however, are not only increasing GDP, but increasing the portion of GDP spent on R&D as they progress economically. The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are expected to enter the list of the most powerful economies of the world by 2050, and with other developing nations invest much more in research and development.Satellite communications

Satellite communications

Satellite communications have been in service for more than 40 years and represent by far the largest space industry, with annual revenues now at $30 billion a year and over 35,000 employees worldwide. Satellite technology may be viewed by some as a mature market; but this book will explore many exciting new technologies and services yet to be developed. A new demand for advanced Internet and IP services, entertainment, and multi casting services as well as advanced applications related to multimedia, telecommuting, etc. are the driving forces behind new satellite and communications research and development.


So far, 2007 is not unfolding in the Federal Reserve’s favor. Growth is
Slower, but inflation pressures are increasing; “stagflation,” with a small
“S”. Since bottoming in December, the net percent of firms raising prices
Has risen from eight percent to 18 percent in April. Unadjusted, 31 percent
Reported raising average selling prices, up three points, and 11 percent
Reported lower selling prices, unchanged.


The net percent of firms reporting earnings improvements fell four points
From February levels in spite of a four-point gain in reports of higher sales
And nearly one in five owners reporting higher average selling prices. On
The negative side, 26 percent reported higher employee compensation.
And energy costs are on the rise. Labor compensation will be pressuring
Profit margins all year.


Regular borrowing activity was reported by 37 percent of the owners.
There is no sign that borrowing activity has picked up, even with the
Problems in the housing sector. Reported borrowing activity among
Construction firms were 10 points lower than March. The net percent of
Owners reporting loans harder to get in recent months fell slightly,
Dropping two points to a net five percent (six percent said “harder,” one
Percent said “easier”), typical of recent readings.

Green Power: The environment trend has been around and been a struggle for many companies, such as automakers with electric cars trying to capitalize on the green awareness. The care of Mother Earth is still a big concern of society. According to a recent Harris Poll, over 74% of American adults believe in the global warming theory. Over 73% of U.S. citizens approve of the Kyoto agreement for countries to limit their carbon monoxide and greenhouse gas emissions. Although, the United States has not signed the accord, countries like Canada, that have accepted, the accord will be a watch place for the impact.

Total Quality Management

The quest to maximize customer satisfaction led some firms to adopt total quality management principles. Total quality management (TQM) is an organization-wide approach to continuously improving the quality of all the organization's processes, products, and services.

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